‘Mazing Madi

Whilst searching the house for some hidden chocolate I stumbled across an archive hard drive I had been missing.  As one does, hoping to find a small time capsule of whatever, I plugged it in to find some behind-the-scenes photos of a shoot I did with my pal Madi.  I shot this model YEARS ago when she was a real youngin’ and to now had the opportunity to fire off some frames with her after she has been on modelling […]

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Raggatt Skate Shoot

It was time to get my “skeg” on and show up to a Melbourne skate park on crisp weekday morning. Shooting the talented Naomi’s latest range with the absolute divine Bela from Giant Management. It was actually heaps of fun even though we had to shoot around skaters, and I’m not talking 16yr olds skipping school. Had a chat to a 30-something guy who was trying to get back on the board after massive back surgery due to a skating […]

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Lookbook Lunacy with Verity

Had a really fun lookbook shoot today. I know I know, lookbooks? Fun? This one actually was as the designer actually stepped out of that stale, stinky mold of simply shooting straight up down poses of front,side and backs. Unleashing a fab Nat from Vivien’s Models, she embraced the mood board and busted out pose after pose without breaking a sweat. Makeup and hair was tamed by Vic Martin followed by her inspiring cowboy-stance final-looks phone photos of the model. […]

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Tiahnee Beauty

Had a fab time shooting with Tiahnee (Pride Models) and Zoe Karlis on hair and makeup. Tiahnee is relatively new to modeling and has entered at a very young age. It’s scary when you hear you’re shooting a model on this side of the Millennium flip-over. I mean, she wasn’t even born when Nirvana was around. Suddenly I feel super old…BUT…that’s ok, because we live vicariously through the youth and beauty of models who are as friendly and easy going […]

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Studio Mascots?

I’m quite interested in knowing what other Photography mascots people have in their studios. To be honest, I’d prefer a puppy. Tried bringing the cats in but they just FREAKED out and hid in the back-most corner shaking. Humans tend to get irritated with my extremely well thought out playlist of popular 80s and 90s hits, which leaves possibly a cactus. But everyone has cacti – I need something that’s less of a prick. Mascot Inspiration…come at me!

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